Preparing for Spring

Everyone is starting to get excited for the spring season which is rapidly approaching! We pulled the air drills up and folded them out about 10 days ago, did some initial work and then ended up getting about 6″ of snow last Wednesday…typical spring weather in Saskatchewan!

The snow was a welcome sight – rain would have been better but we will take the snow. We ended the winter with below normal snow, a below normal precipitation trend that has continued from last year. Winter of 2022-23 did have above normal snowfall, which helped to replenish our subsoil moisture levels last spring. In the end that was a huge reason why our yields ended up being above expectations. Unless we get significant moisture leading up to spring we will be more reliant on in-season rainfall this year.

This past couple months we have been fairly busy moving grain. We had a lot of grain which was contracted for the Feb-April time period, and have a fair bit that is marketed to move over the summer as well. Grain markets have dropped significantly since last fall – so anything that had been contracted earlier is at a big premium to what the market would be if contracted now. As of late the markets have been trying to recover from the winter lows – hopefully we will see a bigger recovery into summer!


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