For the week of May 27th – June 3rd
Flea beetles have become a problem early on this season. We use a newer type of seed treatment on our canola called Buteo – it worked well the last two seasons, but for some reason this season the flea beetles are an extreme issue on our earlier planted canola fields. It seems to be worse in the longer season canola so far. It may have more to do with the cooler, windy weather. We only had one good spray day this week – which was Sunday. It allowed us to cover the higher priority canola fields.
The wind has become more of a factor – seems to be what happens every year when we get into spray season! We had winds gusting to 70km/hr some days last week – which made it nearly impossible to do any spraying.
Outside that we were busy getting our grain trailers washed out (from fertilizer and treated seed at seeding time), finished picking rocks on all the fields that were not done (ran two shifts on each of our rock pickers – they started at sunrise and shut down at sunset), and hauled some grain to market. We also blew off the drills and air carts with our big air compressor, and fire hosed them off afterwards. We will be doing some more extensive work on the seeding units over the next month or two, getting them ready for the 2025 season!
Forecast this week is calling for some showers and….windy conditions hopefully we can get some spraying done so we don’t get too far behind.