Dry Conditions Persist

It’s been a week like no other we have experienced before. Daily highs in the low to mid 30’s and wind. No measurable rain. The crops still are hanging on although the areas that received less rain have taken a major turn backward. The only reason we haven’t lost the crop yet is the overnight lows have dropped down to 12-18C which allows the plants to recover from the daytime stress.

We did spray some fungicide on our oats that were planted in the north – the wind had damaged the leaves which allowed an entrance for disease to enter. Oats have a broader leaf which is more vulnerable to wind damage. Our wheat and barley crops in the area were not damaged and only have a low incidence of disease – not enough to justify a fungicide application.

As hard as it is to see the crop go backward on a daily basis – it sure makes the planning and budgeting process we go through really show its strength. Risk management strategies are going to be the saving grace this season.

This next week is calling for cooler temperatures (low 20’s) and a chance for …some… precipitation showing up later in the week.


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