Spraying Progress

So, did we get rain? Well we will have to wait to see what happens. The forecast on Sunday actually increased the rainfall amounts they were calling for. Then, overnight, the rain was diminished to a negligible amount. Most of the rain is now forecast for Northern Saskatchewan and most of Alberta. We will have to be patient….

The past week we have had good weather conditions for spraying – which is not too often during spray season! We have been able to get all the CPS wheat, 2-row Synergy barley, and earlier seeded 6-row Legacy barley and oats. We also got about 15% of our canola sprayed.
Just like everything else – inflation has also hit our herbicide prices. We were fortunate enough to have bought most of our herbicides for this season last summer and keep in heated storage over the winter. Normally we do 2 passes of Liberty in our canola – Liberty is not the most effective herbicide, so a 2 pass system is usually the best strategy to get good weed control. One pass early on at 1 to 2 leaf stage and the second pass just prior to it cabbaging out. With Liberty prices going from $7.50/L to over $16.00 per liter, we are planning on saving what would have been used for second pass for the 2023 crop year.
Flea beetles have continued to be a menace – we have been spraying our canola at between 10-12 days after seeding date.



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